Schedule for 2022 Annual Meeting

PNMC Annual Meeting “Remembering/Re-membering (I Thessalonians 1:2-4)


Friday, June 17, 2022

1:30 PM          Healthy Boundaries 101 (if you did not take the Healthy Boundaries course in 2019 plan to attend this and Healthy Boundaries 201)

2:45 PM           Break

3:00 PM          Healthy Boundaries 201 – required for all active credentialed leaders, other leaders are welcome.

5:00 PM           Break

6:00 PM          Pastor/Spouse Appreciation Dinner hosted by PNMC Board and Everence

7:00 PM          Program for pastors – “What is the church for? Re-membering during the Great Resignation” Video and table discussion of presentation by Melissa Florer-Bixler, Pastor of Raleigh Mennonite Church

Saturday, June 18, 2022

8:30 AM          Opening Worship

                                    Speakers – Christie Dahlin, Pastor, Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship; Bryce Miller, Co-pastor, Menno Mennonite Church;

      Angel Campoz, Pastor, Iglesia Menonita Jerusalen; Moderator, CIHAN

                                    Worship leader – Steve Bomar

9:45 AM          Break

10:00 AM        Delegate Session

                                    Roll Call

                                    Reports – ECM, Treasurer, Moderator, Search Committee

                                    Presentation of Ballot and vote

                                    Delegate discussion

12:00 PM        Lunch – Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society open for tours

1:00 PM          Workshops (1)

                                    Healthy Congregations (this is a 2 hour workshop) — Bill Blank, former interim pastor at

Zion Mennonite, consultant for congregational health

                                    When trauma comes to church (this is a 2 hour workshop) – Kaylene Henderson,

counselor specializing in trauma, crisis and disaster care, member of Western       Mennonite

Contemplative Inclusive Worship – Rachael Weasley, Church Planter, Community of

Hope, singer songwriter

Money Autobiographies – Rhoda Blough, Stewardship Consultant, Everence

2:00 PM          Workshops (2)

                                    Healthy Congregations (part 2) – Bill Blank

                                    When Trauma comes to church (part 2) – Kaylene Henderson

Restorative Practices in the church and schools – Art Montoya, Restorative Justice

Coordinator WCMCC

3:00 PM          Break

3:30 PM          Delegate session

4:30 PM           Closing Worship

                                    Katherine Jameson Pitts speaking


5:15 PM          Light supper/Farewell to Katherine