PNMC Conference Communication Council (CCC)

Zoom Gathering
Saturday February 1, 2025
8:30 AM- 12:30 PST

The CCC is an annual gathering of our PNMC community. All are welcome, and we especially ask that ministry staff and congregational lay leaders please attend this event. Along with sharing from congregations and reporting by the Board of Directors, we will hear from resource people who will help you plan for your own commemorations and reflections on Anabaptism at 500.

Download Printable Agenda Here

Agenda for 2025 CCC Meeting
Saturday, February 1, 8:30am—12:30pm Pacific 

The Transforming Church – Anabaptism at 500

Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature. Romans 12:2 (CEB)

Our 2025 CCC gathering will be an opportunity to support and resource one another as we begin this year that marks the 500th Anniversary of Anabaptism. Our gathering will include input from regional and denominational leaders who will provide resources and help us think of ways to approach this historic moment in our lineage of Christian faith.

8:30 Welcome/Opening Worship
9:00 Congregational Roll-Call

Question for congregational sharing: How does your congregation remember and express its Anabaptist/Mennonite roots in transforming ways today?

9:50 Break
10am Anabaptism at 500 – Reflections and Resources

Olivia Krall, MCUSA Archives – Why does our history matter? How does it shape who we are called to be as Anabaptists today?
Amy Gingerich, Executive Director of MennoMedia, and John D Roth, Mennonite historian and author – The Anabaptist Community Bible and resources in the Anabaptism at 500 Toolkit
Lin Rush, Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society

Q&A With Presenters
11:20 Break
11:30 PNMC Board of Directors Reporting and Discussion
12:30 Closing Prayer and Adjourn

CCC 2025 Registration

Conference Communication Council 2025

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