Post Tagged as ‘Uncategorized’

I Go On Singing:  Paul Robeson’s Life in Word & Song

Don’t miss this opportunity to celebrate the life of Paul Robeson with special guest, Tony Brown, Saturday, October 27, 7pm at Portland Mennonite Church. This concert captures the essence of a monumental 20th-century figure, Paul Robeson. Robeson was an all-American athlete, scholar, international recording artist and star of stage and screen. Regarded as the best-known African American entertainer in the world during his lifetime, he was a courageous example of integrity and discipline in service of peace. The concert combines song (including “Old Man River”), narratives, news clips and excerpts from an interview with Robeson’s friend, the legendary folksinger/ songwriter Pete […]

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IVEP Participant Cultivates Hope from Local Experience

Moliko Lekhera, general farm manager for Growing Nations, was in IVEP in 2011-2012. He says his year at Fry Road Nursery in Albany, Oregon, developed his interest in farming innovation, marketing and agricultural economics. Read the full article at the link posted below.

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Mennonite Country Auction, Oct. 6, 2018

The Mennonite Country Auction & Relief Sale is coming up October 6 in Ritzville, WA. It is one of nearly 50 sales held in the U.S. and Canada. Sale proceeds support the international relief, development and service ministries of Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Service is given “In the name of Christ” in the midst of a hurting world as a witness to a compassionate God. MCC was born in 1920 in response to hunger and related human need brought on by war and revolution in Russia and Ukraine. Today MCC has about 1000 workers serving in some 53 countries, including the U.S., and sends […]

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Employment Opportunity at Camp Camrec

Caretaker/Facilities Manager position (3/4 time, year-round) is available at Camp Camrec. Salary ($19,125.00) plus on-site housing included. Maintenance and mechanical skills preferred, as well as the ability to work cooperatively with other staff. Camrec is owned by the Washington Mennonite Fellowship and is located outside of Leavenworth, WA. The position is available beginning September, 2018. Questions? Contact David and Saralyn Jantzi at or 509 548 7245.

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Sister Care II Seminar to be hosted in Oregon

Mennonite Women USA invites your partnership and encouragement for an upcoming Sister Care Enrichment training which will be held at Drift Creek Camp on September 28-30, 2018. 2018_SC Enrichment Brochure We are excited to be planning and preparing for this event when women will gather for training, healing and faith renewal. We anticipate that the women will return after the event with hearts and minds swelled with new insight and better tools for ministry among the churches of our conference. The Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference board approved funding grant support to help offset the costs for women’s attendance for the […]

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Glen Gutyon at Portland Mennonite

On Monday evening, June 4, Portland Mennonite Church is hosting Glen Guyton, the new executive director of the Mennonite Church USA. The first person of color to be MC USA’s executive director, Glen has an amazing story of becoming a conscientious objector and withdrawing from the military after serving in the United States Air Force. As he begins his tenure, he is traveling to churches hoping to hear, especially from those of us under 40, about where we see God leading us in the years ahead. Those over 40 are welcome and wanted to come as well! This event is open to all […]

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Sister Care Enrichment

An incredible opportunity is coming soon to the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference! Women are invited to a SisterCare Enrichment weekend at Drift Creek Camp, September 28-30, 2018! (Registration information will be coming in June!) Mennonite Women USA is planning on having an incredible weekend of sharing, learning and personal growth led by Rhoda Keener and Carolyn Heggen. The planning team includes: Nelly Ascencio, Kathy Bilderback, Lavonne Blowers, Nancy Friesen and Pat Hershberger. Mark your calendars and look for more details coming soon!

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Pastor Tim Gascho will be retiring…

Filer Mennonite Church, Filer, ID, will celebrate Pastor Tim Gascho’s ministry on Sunday, June 3, during the morning services followed with a noon fellowship meal.  More details coming soon.

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Join us for the PNMC Annual Meeting in Boise, ID!

“Come walk with us, the journey is long” are words from a South African hymn that many of us sing. It is also the calling of Mennonite Church USA and PNMC as we move into the Journey Forward process as a gathered church. The Journey Forward process is invitational – it’s about all of us sharing our stories, our experiences of God, our dreams for the future of the church. But it’s not just an invitation to gather together as a church, it’s also an invitation to move out into God’s future for the world as Christ’s witnesses. It’s an […]

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Melanie Springer Mock releases latest work

Growing up a preacher’s kid, Melanie Springer Mock often felt the strain of expectations to be perfect. Even though her mother told her that she needed to grow into her own person, Mock says, “For much of my life, I never truly believed my mom.” Now a professor, author, and book reviewer, Mock takes on the cultural and religious messages that have formed her and many others in book just released from Herald Press, Worthy: Finding Yourself in a World Expecting Someone Else.  By plumbing Scripture and critiquing the ten-billion-dollar-a-year self-improvement industry, Mock offers life-giving reminders that we are fearfully and wonderfully […]

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