
Eastern Washington 2017

Mark your calendar for June 23-24, and plan to attend the 2017 PNMC Annual Meeting! This year’s gathering will be hosted by Warden Mennonite Church and Menno Mennonite Church. The gathering will take place at Menno Mennonite, located at 1378 N. Damon Rd, Ritzville, WA, 99169-8717. (Please note:  Menno is not located in Ritzville, it is halfway between Ritzville and Moses Lake. Not all GPS programs are able to locate the church so please check a map for directions.)

This year’s theme is “Love Builds Up”. The phrase comes from 1 Cor. 8 in the discussion of eating meat offered to idols and the conclusion that eating or not is not the issue, the spiritual well-being of our brothers and sisters is.  Drawing out from this, we are called to an attitude that even when we disagree on matters of faithful living, love calls us to build each other up.

The purpose of our annual meeting is to build up congregations through workshops that add skills, build our conference through fellowship that creates relationships, and build up our witness to the world through inspiring worship and challenging one another to greater faithfulness. Our theme coordinates with the MC USA theme “Love is a Verb”. Building one another up is an act of love.

Our theme song will be “Somos el cuerpo de Cristo” (English & Spanish) from Sing the Journey #64. If this is not familiar to your congregation we invite you to learn it before the annual gathering, so that we might all be united in this confession of belonging to Christ in all we do and say.

Please be aware that there are several big events going on around the Moses Lake/Ritzville/Spokane area the weekend of our gathering. If you plan to stay in a hotel, we suggest you book rooms sooner than later.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but if you suffer with food allergies, please keep in mind that we will not be able to accommodate dietary restrictions. If you need substitutions, please plan to bring along your own meals.

Helpful information: