Zion 2016

Tell me the story!
O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good;
for God’s steadfast love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
those the Lord redeemed from trouble,
and gathered in from the lands,
from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south. (Psalm 107:1-3)
The delegates to the PNMC Annual Meeting last June said loudly and clearly that the most important thing in our life together is the telling of our stories. It’s how we get to know each other. It’s how we begin to see God at work among us. It’s how we learn new things about being church together.
As we gather for our Annual Meeting this year, June 23-25, 2016 at Zion Mennonite Church, Hubbard, Oregon, we gather to hear the story of God at work in our world through the incarnation of Jesus Christ, and through the life of his body,the church. Come prepared to listen and to tell the story. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
This year our schedule is slightly different than the last few years. We will begin each day with worship together, with Chuck Neufeld as our speaker. Workshops will include the opportunity to learn new skills, make new connections, and learn from other congregations’ experiences. Friday night, we will enjoy “Bluegrass and Blueberries” with a concert and refreshments. During the delegate sessions there will be workshops and other activities for those who are not delegates. Activities are being planned for children and youth as well. The assembly will end after a traditional Mexican meal on Saturday evening.
Our speaker will be Chuck Neufeld. Chuck served with Mennonite Voluntary Service for about 25 years. Together with his wife Bonnie, Chuck also served as co-pastor of Community Mennonite Church in Markham, Illinois for 19 years. For the past six years, Chuck served as Conference Minister for the Illinois Mennonite Conference. He’s recently retired and moved to North Newton, Kansas. Through his songs, stories, and talks Chuck communicates a deep commitment to community, peace, justice, and service. He believes that a dedicated response to Christ’s call requires compassionate action and redemptive living, and that this results in radically altered lives and communities. One church leader said of Chuck, “(He) is one of the most missional leaders I know. He constantly scans the horizon for evidence of God at work, then joins God in that work. Furthermore, he’s good at telling stories about what God is doing.” Come and hear Chuck tell the story!
Letter of Invitation from Zion Mennonite, including lodging options (English) (Spanish)
Schedule (Updated 5/31/2016)
Registration for PNMC Annual Meeting (contact Barb Buxman for late registration: office@pnmc.org or 503 522-5324)
2016 Delegate Handbook (English), (Spanish)
Chuck Neufeld’s sermon: “Animated and Motivated by God’s Spirit”
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