Delegate Policy
TITLE: Delegates POLICY NO: 99-6
DATE: June 16, 1995 DATE REVISED: Sept 1999
Delegates to the PNMC annual and special meetings shall be selected by each Member Church. Delegates are reported to the PNMC Secretary through the annual congregational report.
Each Member Church is entitled to one delegate for each twenty five of its members or fraction thereof. In addition, all ordained or licensed ministers whose ministerial credentials are recognized by Conference, and who are under assignment to a Member Church are also delegates. (Revised in 2009 bylaws to include all ordained and licensed ministers who are considered active, with charge.)
Delegates shall be active members involved in the life of the Member Church, knowledgeable of the work and ministries of that church, and have some awareness of the views of the members of that church.
Terms for delegates shall begin following the annual Conference session and continue through the next annual Conference session or succeeding sessions.
Churches shall arrange for staggered terms for their delegates so there will be some continuity in their representation to Conference. They may wish to consider a chairperson of a leadership committee and/or the church treasurer as delegates.
Alternate delegates shall be selected to serve in the event a delegate cannot attend.
Delegates shall participate responsibly in the decision making process of Conference. They shall represent the church of which they are members and shall communicate and interpret the work of the Conference to their church.