2022 PNMC Annual Meeting
We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess. 1:2-4)
Click here for photos from the 2022 Annual Meeting. (Photo credit: Ken Pitts)

2022 Delegate Meeting Minutes (English)
2022 Minutos de Delegados (español)
2022 Delegate Handbook (English)
2022 Delegate Handbook (español)
We are gathering in-person for the first time in 2 and a half years. They haven’t been easy years. For some of us there has been deep personal grief. For all of us there have been many small losses. And hardest of all has been the distance between us – geographic, social distancing, political polarization as we all found our way through these “unprecedented” times.
Our theme call us to remember the connections we have. To remember our common commitments to follow Jesus, to witness to God’s peace, and to be open to the Spirit’s transforming power. And it calls us to re-member our conference. To be there with one another as representatives of our various congregations who have promised to walk together.
June 17th will be a time of pastors to gather and review again our ethical commitments in the afternoon, then gather around tables to share an appreciation meal hosted by the PNMC Board and to consider “What is the Church For?” with help from a recording of Mennonite pastor Melissa Florer-Bixler.
June 18th we will worship together, conduct the business of the conference, have the opportunity to learn from resource people, gather around tables, and enjoy remembering why we like each other!
Our gathering will be held at Zion Mennonite Church, Hubbard OR. Congregations are allowed one delegate per 25 members plus credentialed pastors, but all are welcome to come and be part of PNMC remembering/re-membering and gathering together!
PNMC Annual Meeting “Remembering/Re-membering (I Thessalonians 1:2-4)
Friday, June 17, 2022
1:30 PM Healthy Boundaries 101 (if you did not take the Healthy Boundaries course in 2019 plan to attend this and Healthy Boundaries 201)
2:45 PM Break
3:00 PM Healthy Boundaries 201 – required for all active credentialed leaders, other leaders are welcome.
5:00 PM Break
6:00 PM Pastor/Spouse Appreciation Dinner hosted by PNMC Board and Everence
7:00 PM Program for pastors – “What is the church for? Re-membering during the Great Resignation” Video and table discussion of presentation by Melissa Florer-Bixler, Pastor of Raleigh Mennonite Church
Saturday, June 18, 2022
(New Delegate Breakfast has been cancelled)
8:30 AM Opening Worship
Speakers – Christie Dahlin, Pastor, Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship; Bryce Miller, Co-pastor, Menno Mennonite Church; Angel Campoz, Pastor, Iglesia Menonita Jerusalén, Moderator, CIHAN
Worship leader – Steve Bomar, Pastor, Zion Mennonite Church
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM Delegate Session
Roll Call
Reports – ECM, Treasurer, Moderator, Search Committee
Presentation of Ballot and vote
Delegate discussion
12:00 PM Lunch – Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society open for tours
1:00 PM Workshops (1)
Healthy Congregations (this is a 2 hour workshop) — Bill Blank, former interim pastor at Zion Mennonite, consultant for congregational health
When trauma comes to church (this is a 2 hour workshop) – Kaylene Henderson, counselor specializing in trauma, crisis and disaster care, member of Western Mennonite Church
Contemplative Inclusive Worship – Rachael Weasley, Church Planter, Community of Hope, singer/ songwriter
Money Autobiographies – Rhoda Blough, Stewardship Consultant, Everence
2:00 PM Workshops (2)
Healthy Congregations (part 2) – Bill Blank
When Trauma comes to church (part 2) – Kaylene Henderson
Restorative Practices in the church and schools – Art Montoya, Restorative Justice Coordinator WCMCC
3:00 PM Break
3:30 PM Delegate session
4:30 PM Closing Worship — Communion
Speaker: Katherine Jameson Pitts
5:15 PM Light supper/Farewell to Katherine