Albany 2019

2019 PNMC Annual Gathering
Minutes from 2019 DELEGATE MEETING
PHOTOS from 2019 Meeting; photo credit Ken Pitts
2019 Delegate Book (English); 2019 Delegate Book (Spanish)
Sharing the Journey Forward: John 20:19-23
June 21-22, 2019
All events will be at Albany Mennonite Church
Friday — Registration fee = $30
9-12 Healthy Boundaries 201 – required for pastors, other congregational leaders are welcome to attend. We will review the basics, then explore specific areas, including boundaries for using the internet and social media. Led by Katherine Jameson Pitts
12:00 Lunch for those attending HB 201
1- 4:30 Educational Events – in-depth seminars based on the Journey Forward Renewed Commitments for MC USA
- Follow Jesus – Missional Discipleship Initiative, Marvin Lorenzana, MDI Director, MMN. This workshop will be presented in Spanish with simultaneous translation for English speakers.
- Witness to God’s Peace – Being a Peace Church 2019, Colin Saxton, Everence Stewardship Consultant, Katherine Jameson Pitts, PNMC Conference Minister, Weldon Nisly, Christian Peacemaker Teams, Curt Weaver, Portland Mennonite Church
- Experience Transformation – Trauma Awareness and Response, Sue Park Hur, MC USA Denominational Minister
5:30 Pastor Appreciation Dinner – pastors and spouses enjoy time together hosted by the PNMC Board
7:00 “Is there a Lesson?” The Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society is hosting a showing of this Anabaptist European Heritage Documentary with John Ruth. All are welcome to attend.
Saturday – registration fee = $30
7:30 New Delegate Breakfast – First time delegates to Annual Meeting are invited to an orientation breakfast.
8:30 Worship Service –
- Iris deLeón Hartshorn speaking, music led by Roca de Salvación
- Sharing/Roll Call – Share how your congregation has engaged the Journey Forward process or one short story of how have you either followed Jesus, witnessed to God’s peace, or experienced transformation in the past year.
- Communion
10:00 Break
10:30 Delegate Session
- Welcome/introduction of Guests
- Dwelling in the Word
- Reports
- Introduction of the Ballot
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Session 1 –
- Mennonite Women – Cyneatha Millsaps, MW Executive Director
- Learn about our upcoming campaign “Choosing Sisterhood”! Choosing Sisterhood is a call to women find a new sister and begin building a meaningful friendship. We will engage in conversation about how we build relationships across racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds with the hope of learning from one another.
- Mennonite Mission Network – Marisa Smucker, Church Relations Representative
- “Sent Network: Explore, Equip, and Send! Come learn about how you can be equipped to be a church planter, a coach, or an advocate for planting peace churches. Marisa Smucker, PNMC’s church relations representative, will share about the Sent Network resources which include conference gatherings, learning modules, and coaching.”
- Christian Peacemaker Teams – Weldon Nisly
- CPT is an international peacebuilding agency, first envisioned by Mennonites in the mid-1980s, with teams working at the invitation of and in collaboration with local people committed to nonviolent peacemaking. Weldon will introduce CPT’s history and vision then share pictures and stories from his years of experience on the Iraqi Kurdistan and Palestine teams.
- Doves Nest – Jennifer Delanty
- Dove’s Nest mission is to empower and equip faith communities to keep children and youth safe in their homes, churches, and communities. Vice-President of their board, Jennifer Delanty will share resources and conversation about how Dove’s Nest can help your congregation be a safe space.
- Mennonite Church USA – Iris de Leon Hartshorn
- Wondering what is going on with MC USA? Questions about the delegate assembly this summer? Here’s a time for conversation with leadership! Iris is the current MC USA, Associate Executive Director for Operations.
2:05 Session 2 –
- Mennonite Women — Cyneatha Millsaps
- Learn about our upcoming campaign “Choosing Sisterhood”! Choosing Sisterhood is a call to women find a new sister and begin building a meaningful friendship. We will engage in conversation about how we build relationships across racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds with the hope of learning from one another.
- Mennonite Central Committee
- Come and meet West Coast MCC staff: Nathan Yoder, executive director, along with Bob Buxman and newest staff member Marlene Bogard. Hear stories of challenges and rewards, along with the top 5 ways you can connect with and support MCC.
- Mission in Burkina Faso – Mathew Swora
- “Greet them for us, and tell them that we are still here, by the grace of God,” (despite great poverty and growing persecution) say our brothers and sisters in the Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso, in West Africa. Mathew Swora will share video, testimonies, and reflections from his time, along with two others from Zion Mennonite Church, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso last November.
- Creation Care and Climate Change – Dave Hockman-Wert
- Care about climate change? Concerned about the environment? Join others who share these concerns in conversation and learn what the MC USA Creation Care Network is doing.
- Mennonite Mission Network – Marisa Smucker
- “Sent Network: Explore, Equip, and Send! Come learn about how you can be equipped to be a church planter, a coach, or an advocate for planting peace churches. Marisa Smucker, PNMC’s church relations representative, will share about the Sent Network resources which include conference gatherings, learning modules, and coaching.”
3:00 Break
3:30 Delegate session
- Reports
- Delegate discussion
- Results of the Ballot/Blessings
4:30 Closing worship
- Music led by Roca de Salvación
- Messages – Britt Carlson (Portland) Ken Hawes (Prince of Peace, Alaska) Jerrell Williams (Salem) Jessica Wright (Evergreen Mennonite, Kirkland, WA)
- Closing blessing
5:30 Dismiss