Post Tagged as ‘Uncategorized’

WMS Benefit Concert

Western Mennonite 15th Annual Benefit Concert | February 11 | 3:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Come enjoy an afternoon or evening of musical entertainment. The concert features the Western’s A cappella Choir and Western Singers, as well as multiple special numbers performed by choir members and other students.  A special offering to support the A cappella Choir trip will be taken during the concert.  Refreshments and cake will be served after the concert.  Come ready to enjoy a diverse program while supporting our A cappella students!  We look forward to seeing you there. Proceeds will go towards expenses to attend […]

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2017 Oregon Mennonite Women’s Retreat

Join women of all ages at Drift Creek Camp for the 2017 Women’s Retreat featuring guest speaker, Marlene Kropf. Activities will include morning worship sessions and hearing from Marlene; yoga; a book discussion on An Altar in the World:  A Geography of Faith written by Barbara Brown Taylor; opportunities for spiritual direction; comforter-tying and knitting circles; hikes through the woods & along the creek; connecting with each other; crafting and creativity; and delicious meals prepared and cleaned up by male volunteers! Visit to register. 

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Everence Pastor Appreciation and Financial Education Event

March 10-11, 2017 Everence will be hosting a gathering for congregational pastors at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, WA to show appreciation and provide financial education. If you are a pastor and would like more information, contact Conference Minister, Katherine Jameson Pitts. 

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2017 Peace Lectureship at Seattle Mennonite Church

The 2017 Peace Lectureship is Sunday, January 29th! Ched Myers and Elaine Enns of Bartimeaus Cooperative Ministries will be presenting on two topics related to Biblical Jubilee 11am -“Mapping Jubilee Convictions in the Church” Looking at the biblical vision of Jubilee and its implications for how the Church stewards land, labor and capital. 7pm – “Jubilee as Restorative Justice:  Settler Response-Abilities” Discussion and viewing the documentary film, ‘Reserve 107’, which highlights the effort of Lutheran, Mennonite and First Nation peoples in Northern Saskatchewan coming together around the history of the land. Event flyer!

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PNMHS Annual Meeting

Mark your calendar! The 2017 PNMHS Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 21 beginning at 12:00pm at Zion Mennonite Church. “Crossing the Loange:  Congo Pax Service and the Journey Home” will be presented by Larry Graber of  Dallas, OR. The program and lunch is $20/person. Please contact Gloria Nussbaum to RSVP by Friday, January 13.   PNMHS is in the Ivan & Pearl Kropf Heritage Center at 6030 South Whiskey Hill Road in Hubbard, OR and is open on Wednesdays, 9:00a.m.—3:00pm. It is staffed by volunteers Mike Barber, Archivist/director, Shirley Martin, family histories; Carolyn Gingerich, librarian, and John Gingerich, technology specialist, […]

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With Gratitude from West Coast MCC

West Coast MCC invites all pastors (Lead, Associates, Youth, etc.) to a free lunch and interactive gathering on Monday, January 30 @ 11 AM @ Salem Mennonite Church. PNMC has faithfully supported MCC in generous and significant ways. We want to express our thanks, share with you some updates, and hear from you about how we can increase our connection with you as we explore additional services in Oregon. Please RSVP to Bob Buxman @ <>, or 503-502-5402 by January 16th. We hope to see you there. Thank you. Sincerely,  Nate Yoder, WCMCC Exe. Dir.

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Pastors Assistance Fund

Everence is partnering with the Lilly Foundation to provide a matching-fund grant to help alleviate the financial debt that many pastors are burdened with. PNMC is committed to helping pastors as well. To learn more about how PNMC plans to contribute, follow this link.

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Ivan and Pearl Kropf Heritage Center

The Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society, located at 6030 South Whiskey Hill Road in Hubbard, OR, is now open on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00pm. The Ivan and Pearl Kropf Heritage Center is staffed by volunteers Mike Barber, Archivist/director, Shirley Martin, family histories; Carolyn Gingerich, librarian, and John Gingerich, technology specialist, Margaret Shetler, Archivist emeritus. All of the Center’s volunteers are willing and capable to assist in your questions and search. If you would like to make an appointment, call 503-266-6447.

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Deep Faith

Pastors Mathew Swora and Jana Gingerich, along with Kara Kropf and Karen Tro from Zion Mennonite attended the “Deep Faith” conference focused on faith formation for all ages at AMBS October 6-8. Three keynote speakers — John Roberto, president of Lifelong Faith Associates; Rachel Miller Jacobs, assistant professor of congregational formation at AMBS; and Brian Quan, lead pastor of Toronto (Ontario) Chinese Mennonite Church — addressed the conference, which also featured daily worship, an assortment of workshop choices and optional evening activities. Nearly 30 workshops addressed topics of:  physical and emotional dimensions of faith and learning, specific faith formation resources, […]

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