Post Tagged as ‘Uncategorized’

Eastern Washington 2017

Now is the time to register for the 2017 PNMC Annual Meeting. This year’s gathering will take place at Menno Mennonite Church, located halfway between Ritzville and Moses Lake. The gathering will be hosted by our brothers and sisters from Menno Mennonite Church (Ritzville, WA) and Warden Mennonite Church (Warden, WA). The purpose of our annual gathering is to build up congregations through workshops that add skills, to enrich our conference through fellowship that creates relationships, and build up our witness to the world through inspiring worship, and challenging one another to greater faithfulness. Our Love Builds Up theme comes […]

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Youth wanted for participation in the Future Church Summit in Orlando

Step Up – Youth wanted for participation in the Future Church Summit in Orlando About 40 spots remain open for the Step Up program – an opportunity for high school age youth to participate in the Future Church Summit at this summer’s Mennonite Church USA Convention in Orlando. This opportunity was initially open to only three youth per conference. Now, any interested youth attending convention may participate. Participants will attend an orientation seminar and be included in table groups during the July 6-8 Future Church Summit. Additional information and a link to registration can be found at

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PNMC Board Supports CIHAN Recommendations on Immigration

At the April 7-8 meeting, the PNMC Board confirmed its support of the CIHAN recommendation for action from the CIHAN Commission on Immigration Matters.  The Board encourages PNMC congregations to support and participate in these actions which include: The Commission on Immigration Matters! for the Council of Hispanic Anabaptist Churches of the Northwest (CIHAN) first recognizes that, facing the political changes in the country, neither our churches nor our institutions can offer legal solutions for our immigrant families, but we urge these actions in our churches to prepare and defend our families facing the threat of mass deportations.  Prayer: Together, let […]

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Pastoral Opportunity in Anchorage, Alaska

Our brothers and sisters in Anchorage are pleased to welcome Paul Versluis as interim pastor. Paul is familiar with our region and formerly served at the Prince of Peace congregation in Adair Village near Corvallis, OR from 1995 until 2001. Paul will serve until August 8 and the congregation is seeking a permanent pastor to begin then. For details about this ministry opportunity, follow the link below: Employment

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MDS Opportunity in Saipan

Location of Saipan in Western Pacific Saipan is located 150 miles northwest of Guam in the Western Pacific, 3 hours flying time east from Japan, and is the largest island in the Northern Mariana Island Chain. Saipan is approximately 25 miles long and 12 miles wide and has a population of about 50,000 of diverse people groups. The island is a Commonwealth of the United States and comes under US Federal Jurisdiction. The island was captured from the Japanese during World War II. The primary language is English, but for the locals, Chamorro and Carolinian their native language is also spoken. […]

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Cross-Cultural Service Opportunities

Mennonite Health Fellowship encourages students in healthcare professions to learn and serve in cross-cultural/mission settings in developing countries. To further this aim we provide educational grant funding for a Student Elective Term (SET). The term or service must be at least 4 weeks. The deadline for applications for the 2017-2018 academic year is May 15, 2017.

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Laughter is Sacred Space

Ted Swartz of TED & Co is bringing Laughter is Sacred Space to the west coast and will be performing the show at Portland Mennonite Church on Saturday, April 29 at 7:00PM. In this gritty and dramatic show, Ted Swartz walks you through his relationship with friend and business partner, Lee Eshleman, who took his own life in 2007. The production is honest, funny and vulnerable, and reveals the unique journey of working as a comedic actor under the shadow of a mental illness. It offers hope and humor in a way that only Ted could deliver. A discussion about mental illness […]

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Support MCC at the Idaho Sale!

Plans are underway for the 11th annual Idaho Mennonite World Relief Festival coming up April 21 & 22 at the College Church of the Nazarene in Nampa, Idaho. Last year the sale raised $60,000 to be donated to Mennonite Central Committee and we would love to exceed that amount this year! Learn more at Guest speakers will be Ben & Beth Weisbrod, who have been serving in West Africa with MCC.  They will share updates on work in West Africa and in Rwanda. “My Coins Count” and a special auction item will be designated for the Rwanda Savings Circle to help others […]

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2017 Conference Communications Council

The 2017 Conference Communications Council meeting, held on Saturday, February 4, was a fruitful gathering of pastors and congregational leaders. Folks from across PNMC were warmly welcomed by Albany Mennonite Church who graciously hosted the event, providing snacks and lunch. A group of brothers and sisters from Idaho tuned in long-distance through electronic communication.  In total, nearly 70 people participated. Although the content of the morning session regarding the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict was heavy, it was inspiring to hear from Alex Awad, former Dean at Bethlehem Bible College. He and his wife, Brenda, currently live in Eugene, OR. It was a privilege to hear his passionate […]

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Orlando 2017

Every two years, at the Mennonite Church USA convention, the Delegate Assembly convenes to tend to the business of Mennonite Church USA. However, at convention in Orlando, Florida — July 4–8, 2017 — the role of delegates will be anything but business-as-usual. This year we will be trying something new — the Future Church Summit — in conjunction with the regular Delegate Assembly. Click on this link to find out how it will work.

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